Summary View
The Application Visibility Summary View Screen is used to view information on devices configured for Application Visibility. Click on a switch to view which ports are enabled for monitoring/enforcement.
- Friendly Name - The device IP address.
- Name - The user-configured switch name.
- MAC Address - The switch MAC address.
- Version - The AOS software version installed on the switch (e.g.
- Location - The physical location of the switch (e.g., Lab).
- Status - The administrative status of the switch (Up/Down).
- Type - The switch model type (e.g., OS6860E-U28).
- DNS Name - The switch DNS name.
- File Name - The name of the Signature File contained in the Signature Profile (e.g., UAppSig.upgrade_kit)
- File Version - The Signature File version (e.g., 1.1.2).
- Profile Name - The name of the Signature Profile assigned to the switch.